Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Beware the Moon...

Ooooh, scary, the ghost of sweaters past....

I'm posting this picture because:

1. my hood is finished!
2. the picture cracks me up
3. it totally creeps Kaity out. She thinks it's coming to get her , makes her feel uneasy...

you know, in a "beware the moon, stay off the moors" kind of way.

I do have to say, the hood was the biggest challenge yet. Not the cabling so much, although there are a few mistakes that I will not be showing you. The decreases and grafting are a little tricky. The grafting, had I done it perfectly, would have been one of those real things of beauty - as it is, I got off a tad, and it's still pretty impressive, to me anyway- but not total brag-picture worthy.

hee hee.... I just looked at the hood picture again - I'm totally amusing myself! It just cracks me up - a little unsettling in a clown/sock monkey sort of way for me. I HATE clowns, and sock monkeys are just TOO freaky - can't have one of those around looking at me.

OK, back to knitting - check it out- I'm knitting two sleeves at a time. This makes me a little uneasy too - I haven't tried it before. I'm totally paranoid that about 3/4's of the way into it I'm gonna knit them together, or something else totally lame, get them turned around and get the fronts and backs mixed up, or somzing........ but so far so good.... all 1" of it. Must.Pay.Attention....


At 8:20 AM, Blogger Karen said...

I just love you ghostly hood!!!! But someone please cut down that poor little sock monkey - LOL. Don't worry about the two at once sleeve, I'm sure you will not knit them together.

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Hee hee - the ghostly hood is a hoot! Your sleeves will be fine. :)

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

Your ghostly hood is scary, but it has nothing on clowns and sock monkeys. From a knitting perspective, it looks great! I'm definitely all for 2 sleeves at once. You know they'll match, and otherwise they take forever. This project is coming together really quickly!

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a good chuckle out of your hood! I do hope it relaxes after a bath!! Good luck with the sleeves. You're almost there!

At 9:35 AM, Blogger amy said...

spooky! but it looks great! you have made some great progress. i'm sure your sleeves will go just fine :)

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Knittypants said...

Your ghostly hood looks great! You are just flying through this sweater. Thanks for showing all the great progress shots.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger chris said...

That ghostly hood cracked me up! I have to agree with Kaity on this one- it is a little freaky. Sock monkeys, too. Kind of like those Victorian dolls that everyone thinks are so beautiful. I think they're beautiful, too, during the daytime, but at night- creepy!! Definitely clown creepy, LOL! Rogue's looking beautiful- you'll do awesome with the 2 sleeves at once! Take care, Lynda! :-)

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Ooooooo, Hoooooowwww dooooeeees sheeeee doooooo thaaaaat! Hee hee! Spongebob reference. I'm sorry.

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

I bet it's not a ghostly hood at all...I bet that sock monkey is wearing it and that is what you discovered and thus the sock monkey had to pay the price. Poor little sock

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Marion said...

Great work!! I'm sitting here green with envy of your gorgeous sweater. What do you think of the yarn?

At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oohheee ohhaa its coming to get me!!! AH! The way the hood is standing up is freaky, your knitting is beautiful!
The sleeves will go smoothly, i'm sure : )


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