Thursday, January 05, 2006

Yeah For Me!

Today is my one-year Knittiversary!, and that....
is my very first project (I know, how original, a furry scarf).

As of today, I have officially been knitting for a year. I knew Kaity taught me to knit during the rains we had last January, so I went back to my checkbook and found the entry for the fateful day I wrote that check to Michaels - for something fuzzy to make a scarf out of. Really fuzzy, to hide all my mistakes.

My very first entry on this blog tells all about how I started to knit, and why, if you care...

Anyhoooo, I think I've come pretty far in a year.... and here's what it took to get me where I am today..

5 scarves (three of them, straight garter stitch! Can you say s-l-o-w learner?)
2 ponchos (oh, the horror)
2 pairs of slippers
5 pairs of socks
3 sweaters (all of which I actually wear)
1 camisole (which I don't)
1 One Skein Wonder (gave away)
1 shawl
2 bags/purses
1 hat

23 FO's! I impress myself (okay, I know there are far more prolific knitters out there... but hey, I'm slow and old, and it's my first year; and I impress myself easily).

and, here's what I've "amassed" after a year (I know, even I have to admit that's a pitiful stash.... but I'm working on it)

What have I learned:

1. I could NOT have done any of it without my in-house knitting guru, Kaity (thanks Doozer!). She's the BEST!!

I mean really - what do people do when they're learning to knit and they can't wake their guru up at 11:00 at night because they're on a roll and refuse to be stopped by a whatever-it-is-I've-done-here moment? I need instant gratification.... I would have called it quits if I had to wait days for someone to come and save me from myself. (Jeez, how old do I sound, 5?)

2. Anyone who says they're only gonna knit occasionally, maybe a scarf, just straight knit, maybe a purl or two, is sadly fooling themselves - or isn't a "real knitter."

3. Nothing is as hard as it looks (well, at least not after three days of frogging when you finally get to the "ah ha moment"). I was NEVER going to learn to knit socks, too hard; or lace, too hard; or make something as big as a sweater, too daunting. I love it all, especially socks and lace.

4. Okay - maybe that's not true... there are still a few things I'm afraid to try - Entrelac, FairIsle...

5. I NEVER would have come this far without my blog friends. I mean, seriously, searching the internet endlessly for patterns (free patterns), looking through knitting magazines, and even spending hours in your LYS just doesn't cut it. Puhleeze. There's nothing out there to compare to true knitting friends who will tell you the truth, encourage you, and steer you in the right direction and away from the crap.

I thank you and love you all!

I know.... what a sap, but I do.

and... by-the-by.... are you counting your socks yet?


At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Lynda! I'm impressed by your FO list!

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Yay for you! Do not be afraid of entrelac. It looks hard but is actually quite easy, if you follow the pattern directions.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger LC in Sunny So Cal said...

Happy Anniversary! I'd send roses, but then you'd feel obligated to sleep with me, so....

Hey, if I can do Fair Isle, YOU can do it, Miss "I-Made-Sweaters-Thang"!!!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Lynda said...

LC - okay, we may go back 30-some years, but ewwwww

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Knittaversary! I am impressed with your FO list as well! And neither Fairisle nor Entrelac are nearly as hard as they look.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger amylovie said...

You've come a long way baby! 23 FO's is certainly nothing to sneeze at.


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

Congrats on your knitaversary! You've accomplished a lot in just one year. I used to fear knitting things until I realized that (duh) frogging is always an option.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Ruth said...

happy 1st knitting birthday!! i know kaity is proud of you. =) yea, as i learn more and more about this craft, i realize that so much of it is learn-able, once you get past the mental blocks! you can do it!! =)

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Marion said...

Happy knittaversary!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Congratulations, Lynda! Fabulous accomplishments for a year. I wouldn't have guessed this was your first year, either.

I'm going to count my socks. Probably over the weekend. :)

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Happy Knitiversary!!

The first thing I learned to knit was mittens! I found it too awkward using the 4 dp needles so someone at work showed me how to do them on 2 needles and I switched over (even though that means sewing up the side) and had a blast. I'm thinking of going back again and trying the 4 (I tried a time or two but need to work on keeping the stitches tight at the seams).

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

Hey - I made at least 20 garter stitch scarves, and all of them in Lion Brand Homespun, before branching out. Are you calling me slow?

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that the first thing you ever knit was a fuzzy scarf. When I knitted one for my daughter, I couldn't see what I was doing, I almost gave up if not for the fact that I can't bear to waste my money and the daughter so wanted a fuzzy pink scarf. And I see that I'm in good company. I've knitted 2 ponchos too!!

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Donna Boucher said...

I didn't know you have only been knitting a year! Wow!
Another knitting savant!
I think you are destined for great things!

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Lynda said...

Donna - me, a Knitting Savant, now that's the funniest thing I've heard all day!!!

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! Look at you, all professional with your FO's. So proud, so proud.
When you finally do tackle the fairisle, teach me will ya? I've been knitting for 7 years, and I'm still chicken.

Happy knitiversary to ya!

At 7:46 PM, Blogger emy said...

Wow, you have achieved lots! I am having fun documenting my students' progress too!

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Noey D. said...

Happy Knittaversary!! You should be very proud of yourself!!

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversery, you have accomplished a lot in a year!

At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Your list of FO's probably puts many seasoned knitters to shame!!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Knittypants said...

Happy Knittiversary! Your finished objects list is amazing. 5 pairs of socks! I need to learn how to make those. And I peeked through your gallery, Ella is beautiful, so pretty and I love your Branching Out.

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well happy anniversary! You accomplished a lot in your first year of knitting, I'm quite impressed!


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