Thankful For My Reset Button
It has been one of "those mornings." I awoke, again, to a sky full of smoke and ash... that's just getting depressing now; walked in to start the coffee and noticed the refrigerator seems to be leaking, had a run-in with D#2, found a mistake I must have made in my Fair Isle last night, sat down to play the piano and noticed my favorite piece of music is missing, then started to work and couldn't get the audio to load for my transcription.
I knew restarting my computer would probably fix the audio problem. While I waited for the computer to restart, I picked up my Fair Isle. I'm always fascinated by the back of it. I started thinking, this mess of threads, and the messy order of all these rows on the back side are how I see my life at times... messy, unorganized, flawed - it doesn't look like it'll all ever come together.
The front of the work is something altogether different. It all comes together for a purpose. The mess of the back is glorified in the right side of the work. This is how God sees me. He sees the big picture, the finished object. He see's the perfect me, the me who has been made righteous through Christ.
Then I thought of how simple it was to make things right with my computer by simply hitting the reset button. I remembered I have a reset button for my life. The one that will get me back on track, focused, living with a purpose - Prayer and God's word.
I know that in my particular case.... being one that likes all her ducks in a row - Satan scatters my ducks all across the pond, just to see if I will flounder, or remember to ground myself in the Lord. The little annoyances will try and get me every time.
Today I triumphed. I remembered MY reset button. I sat back down at the kitchen table, read God's word, and prayed.
"Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning." Lamentations 3:22-23